East Africa Childrens Project (EACP)
We have established a close and useful link with East Africa Childrens Project (EACP), a UK based charity, No 1136340. They have been very supportive of Rossholme and funded the installation of solar panels in the school and then donated money for 300 much needed, new locker desks. EACP has now agreed to help us with our £25,000 Campaign to raise money for the acquisition of the land and property within the Kiambiu Slum where Rossholme is currently located.
“We empower deprived children in East Africa to escape debilitating and persistent poverty through education, training and health awareness. Working together with our local long-term trusted partners, who are passionate community leaders, we draw on their initiative and knowledge to improve the life prospects of very poor children. By cultivating a sense of ownership, as well as promoting accountability and responsibility, we seek to achieve real long-term sustained change”.
Their Chairman, Pieter Lagaay, has himself visited Rossholme in Nairobi and, having been very impressed with our Headteacher, Joyce Aruga, the school, its staff and pupils and what it has to offer, EACP are continuing to offer support.
UK Address
2 Eastfield Crescent Brighton BN1 8EL
Website www.eacpcharity.com
Rossholme School in Kenya is a UK based charity which funds the education, premises, teaching staff, food, uniform and equipment for a school located in the Kiambiu slum in Nairobi. There are qualified teaching staff, two cooks and a security guard located in corrugated tin and breeze-block buildings. We have the opportunity to gain possession of the land and property on which the school is located.
This gives us the chance to develop the very basic corrugated tin and breeze block buildings to provide purpose built premises. All funds raised are paid to support the school in Kenya; there are no administrative charges
Megan Wright of Tushinde visits Rossholme Education centre
Megan Wright of Tushinde visits Rossholme Education centre
Born in Somerset and educated at Rossholme School and Bath College. Commissioned into British Army in 1968; first woman to command all male field force unit 1982. Retired in 1986 to become Head of Rossholme School; Chairman, Council of Order of St John for Somerset 2000-2006; Governor Downs School Wraxall 1996-2006. Closed Rossholme School in 2005 and ran Clocktower Events Ltd, Rossholme Country Holidays and Clocktower Wellness Centre. Married to former Army Officer, Gerry, two adult children. Enjoys politics, travel, skiing, fitness and walking dogs. Always happy to speak about Women on the Warpath and Rossholme in Kenya
Based in London, initially from Glasgow, Doug was brought up in early years in Kenya and Amin’s Uganda, where his father was one of two Scottish surgeons, and where he remembers school lessons taken sitting on the ground under trees for shade. Via Strathclyde University, the deserts of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Yemen, since 1995 he has run a financial planning firm on Chancery Lane in the heart of the legal district, and is passionate about all things outdoors, dogs, rugby and financial education – particularly the rule of 72.
Nick Griggs grew up in Somerset with close family links to Rossholme School. He graduated from Warwick University and qualified as an Actuary. He is now living in Cheltenham where he is a Partner at Barnett Waddingham. Married with two young children, Nick enjoys spending time with the family and on the golf course.
A former Rossholme School (in Somerset) pupil herself, Caz brings a wealth of useful experience to our Board of Trustees. A native German speaker with a degree in Politics from Swansea University, she is now the Global Head of People Enablement with LRQA (Lloyds Register Quality Assurance) and has more than 10 years’ experience of Project Management, Human Resources and Strategic Planning. Caz has always taken an active interest in I’ll lp and looks forward to becoming more involved, particularly with the important role of communications as the school evolves.
Steve was brought up in Somerset, very close to the original Rossholme School. He is a qualified Landscape Architect as well as a British Rowing Coach. He has been Director of his own landscape architecture practice and created Blade Innovations Ltd. undertaking Inventions and Product Design, which is ongoing with a number of products at prototype or trial level. Currently working full time as a builder having undertaken several house renovations and build projects throughout his life. Her has served on many committees and has been an active supporter of Rossholme for several years and., as a past Chair of Taunton Rowing Club, he has used rowing to create a number of long distance challenges raising over £20k for SSAFA and The Royal Marines Charitable Trust. Married to Julia, he has three adult children and two grandchildren.